Who am I?
My name is Bobbie Olan. I'm a knitter and general all round crafts lover living in Victoria, Australia.
From childhood cross stitching to working as a traditional book binder as a young adult, my desire to be making with my hands shapes who I am. But it wasn't until I gave knitting an honest go that I found my true passion and calling. As many knitters before me have expressed, it is such a wonderful combination of the creative and the technical. This combo works so well to keep the practice engaging as there is always more to learn and create and explore.
I have been a Knitter (with a capital K) since at least 2014 and can never get enough. Whenever I consider delving into a new hobby I think, 'but then I'll have less time for knitting.' Often when I start to wonder if I need to make a personal purchase my mind says, 'ah, but how much yarn could you buy with that?'
There is never enough time for all the knitting, and not enough people to share my passion with. So thank you for taking the time to join me in my fibre adventures.